

Page history last edited by Michael Bourgeois 15 years, 5 months ago


Alan Davies, professor emeritus at Victoria University in the University of Toronto, tells a story about a conversation he once had with a university colleague who suggested that The United Church of Canada has no theology because it acknowledges no one creed or confession of faith. On the contrary, Davies countered, it is precisely because the United Church is not bound by a single creed or confession that theology is abundant in the church. The United Church is, Davies maintained, "awash in theology." Davies's view is just as uncommon as his colleague's view is common. Both inside and outside the United Church, many people think that theology is absent from or unimportant in the church. There are both good and bad reasons why this view is prevalent, and in some ways it is true. In other ways, however, it is seriously mistaken. 


This site demonstrates, documents, and discusses the ways in which The United Church of Canada has been, and is, "awash in theology." How the site does that is evolving, especially as more people join the conversation here. As it grows, the site aims to provide:


  • the full texts of all of the statements of faith and creeds approved by the General Council of the United Church, with information and discussion on the history of their development and approval;
  • a list of all reports on theological issues commissioned by the General Council -- and where possible, the full text of those reports -- with information and discussion on the history of their development and reception;
  • bibliographies of the published theological writing of United Church members, and biographical information about them;
  • a forum for discussion of current theological issues facing the United Church;
  • a forum for collaborative research and writing on theology in the United Church;
  • a resource for teachers and students of United Church history and theology, and anyone interested in what the United Church has taught on theological issues; and
  • study guides, liturgical resources, and other suggestions for teaching about United Church theology in classrooms, congregations, and elsewhere.


This site (begun in August 2009 by Michael Bourgeois, Associate Professor of Theology at Emmanuel College, Toronto) is not sponsored, endorsed, or authorized by The United Church of Canada. The United Church has, however, graciously granted permission for this site to post the United Church documents included here (see the Permissions and Acknowledgements page for details). The views expressed here are those of the contributors alone. Nevertheless, this site aims to be a resource for any and all people, whether inside or outside the United Church, hoping to understand it better -- ministers and lay people; staff of congregations, presbyteries, conferences, and General Council units; teachers and students in theological schools, colleges, and educational centres; and curious or skeptical observers. 

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